Products for dogs Canine Plus Multivitamin (N30) vetsplusmulti01 €19.99 Canine Plus multivitamins can help replenish your dog's body with nutrients, vitamins and antioxidants to support a healthy dog's condition. This updated formula is made up of 25 nutrients that work synergistically and can complement the most important systems in the dog's body: the cardiovascular system, the overall immune system, and support brain and... Add to cart
Wet food Dr.Clauder's dogs Liver diet DrC32452200 €3.03 Veterinary diet for dogs with liver disease and liver dysfunction. Main nutritional properties: proteins of high biological value, average protein and fat content, high amount of essential fatty acids, high amount of easily digestible carbohydrates. Add to cart
Last items in stock Products for dogs DR. CLAUDER'S DRĖGNAS MAISTAS ŠUNIMS SU JAUTIENA IR PREBIOTIKAIS DrC22441000 €2.65 Add to cart
For the sexual system CH Hepato chem Pro 200/50, tablets (N60) RUV_220407/60 €38.88 Food supplement to support liver function in chronic liver failure. Has a detoxifying effect and helps to quickly restore the liver, promotes its regeneration. Can be used to treat chronic liver disease without long-term side effects. Add to cart
Last items in stock Products for dogs DR. CLAUDER'S DRĖGNAS MAISTAS ŠUNIMS SU JAUČIO GALVOS MĖSA IR PREBIOTIKAIS DrC22553000 €2.64 Add to cart