Pagrindinis Virbac Nutri-plus gel 120g VIRB-NUTRI-GEL-120 €15.52 It is a dietary food supplement intended for both dogs and cats. With a concentrated energy source. Recommended for animals participating in intense physical activity (hunting and service dogs) or in special physiological conditions when the body requires more energy (during recovery, growth period, pregnant and lactating females). Add to cart
Products for dogs Canine Plus Multivitamin (N30) vetsplusmulti01 €19.99 Canine Plus multivitamins can help replenish your dog's body with nutrients, vitamins and antioxidants to support a healthy dog's condition. This updated formula is made up of 25 nutrients that work synergistically and can complement the most important systems in the dog's body: the cardiovascular system, the overall immune system, and support brain and... Add to cart